Sneads Ferry, NC Neighborhoods
- Atlantic Beach, NC Neighborhood
- Cape Carteret, NC Neighborhood
- Cedar Point, NC Neighborhood
- Emerald Isle, NC Neighborhood
- Hampstead, NC Neighborhoods
- Holly Ridge, NC Neighborhoods
- Hubert, NC Neighborhoods
- Jacksonville NC Neighborhoods
- Maple Hill NC Neighborhoods
- Morehead City NC Neighborhoods
- Newport NC Neighborhoods
- North Topsail Beach Neighborhoods
- Richlands NC Neighborhoods
- Sneads Ferry, NC Neighborhoods
- Surf City NC Neighborhoods
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- Wilmington, NC Neighborhoods
Sneads Ferry Real Estate Quick Searches
Houses for Sale in Sneads Ferry, NC
Choosing The Right Neighborhood
"In 1728 Edmund Ennett established a ferry at this site. The ferry became a key element in the Post Road linking Suffolk, VA with Charleston, SC. By 1759 two ferries operated here, one from each bank of New River. Robert Snead was the proprietor of the ferry on the north shore, and the community that developed on the banks of the crossing site became known as "Sneads Ferry." Dedicated men such as Caroline Pearson propelled the ferry until it was replaced with a bridge in 1939." Sneads Ferry is an ever growing area that offer beautiful waterways and views for its residents. Home owners love living in Sneads Ferry for its of access to Topsail Islands beaches, plenty of shopping, close access to military bases to include MARsoc and Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, boating, fishing, and more.. Sneads Ferry has many new developments offer new home building for everyone. Not to mention all of the seafood! The annual seafood festival is held here and with 7 fish houses, you can't go wrong.
Neighborhoods and Condo Buildings