Hammock Cove
The neighborhood of Hammock Cove in Swansboro, NC sits in a great location to the sports complex, restaurants, state parks, beaches and close to the side gate to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Hammock Cove is a small community with only 12 homesites available with large lots!! This neighborhood just started to allow contracts to get your home started! The builder in Hammock Cove is D R Horton, who builds a homes that are great for big families or someone who wants alot of square footage for your money. Houses currently start in the low $240's.
School District For Hammock Cove
- Swansboro Elementary School
- Swansboro Middle School
- Swansboro High School
**Each school district needs to be verified by each home buyer.
Search Homes -Hammock Cove
There are three different ways that a Realtor® can represent you in the purchase of your new home. For a copy of this brochure, please click the link below! For most of the properties listed in our area, I do work for my home buyers as a "Buyer's Agent." So whether you are wanting to buy a home tomorrow, or in a year, we can start to build our working relationship now as well as start to familiarize yourself with the area and what homes have to offer. In starting the process early, you will be fully aware of what to expect, get an idea of who you are working with, thus allowing you to be excited about your new home purchase, NOT nervous. I am here to help you in anyway I can, and I can show you any home! Don't stress out over finding one agent for each home. Call or text Rebecca today at 910-750-6793 or send an email to RebeccaJQuick@Gmail.com with any questions you may have, or to schedule a showing of any properties you may be interested in.